Thursday, September 16, 2010

Introductions Need to be Made

So, I'm a gal with a "unique" name and even quirkier personality.
I. My name is Hilarion
   A. It's a family name, not some sort of thought up name by a set of druggie hippy parents.
      1. In fact, my parents are a nice Catholic couple who have been together for over 20 years despite the      whirlwind that is my brother and his chaotic personality.
         a. Oh, btw, I have a brother. He's cool when he's not making me want to chuck something at his head.
   B. Yes, it is a "hilarious" name.
      1. No, you are not original.
      2. In fact, if I wasn't a girl with a great sense of humor, I might actually feel the need to sharpen my sarcastic wit on your own lame overly-used name, Ashley, Michael, Joe, Brittany, and Lindsey.
         a. Actually, I really can't say much seeing as my own parents names are John and Joan (aren't those the male and female versions of each other? How much more common can you get?)
      3. What really matters of course is your personality.
         a. Too bad most of those names listed above tend to stick with their stereotypes.
           -Of course there are always exceptions to that ;)
   C. I've found that most of the other people with my name tend to be males.
      1. The majority of those are Asian
         a. My dad is convinced it's because the Catholic missionaries that were over in China at one point knew it wasn't common over here so they went a bit crazy baptizing the new converted kiddies with it.
       2. Which could make sense in theory since the original Hilarion WAS a saint.

Okay, I'm tired of writing in that format. I don't even write that way in my classes, so I don't know what made me feel like I needed to do that here, but it was fun while it lasted.

In fact, because I'm a bit tired, I'm just going to be really cool and post a list of my likes slash dislikes on here. It's kind of the gist of me, but not really seeing as I'm always adding and removing what I love and hate in my life thanks to this thing called "growing up" that we all are supposedly meant to do. In fact, it's probably changed quite a bit since I originally wrote it, but I'm a bit of a lazyholic, so I'm not going to update it:

I am a lover of music, humor, sarcasm, talking, Doris Day movies, God, family, friends, my animals, people who love me, softies at heart, old people, young people, a person who can dish it as well as they can take it, respect, self-respect, humility, witty conversations, klutziness, baked goods, fiction books that take me somewhere new, traveling, tacky sweaters, arts and crafts, baking, dark chocolate (chocolate in general), fruits and veggies, carnivorous behavior, peanut butter cups, happy beginnings, and life for all.

I am a disliker of arrogance, mathematics, dense people, no sense of humor, pork cured in Spain, betrayal, insults disguised as joking, vegans (I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one), Dots candy, gross flavored jelly beans, getting up super early if not necessary, sleeping in too late, dictator principals, self-consciousness, lack of conversation, always being politically correct, black licorice, feeling useless, paying too much for something, feeling sick from eating too much, people who think they know how to play a sport when they don't, Twilight fans (the ones who only picked up the book AFTER the shitty movies came out), Kristen Stewart, people who think the point of drinking alcohol is getting drunk, being told I'm wrong (especially when I know it), lack of life experience, and the phrase FML, even though sometimes I secretly say it in my head.

                I shall now leave you with a picture. Just because I can.


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